This Spring, City of Hartford and CBI leadership gathered for an afternoon of self-care and reflection to celebrate the successful conclusion of the 3rd cohort of the Self-Care Toolkit. Pictured (left to right): Patricia McIntosh, Deputy Director of Social Services, Danae Laura, CBI Executive Director, Brian Thompson, CBI Director of Community Engagement, Faith Palmer, Operations Manager, Department of Health and Human Services, Ebony Jackson-Shaheed, Director of Health and Human Services
In October, Copper Beech Institute submitted our report on our Mindful City Project with the City of Hartford. We are grateful for the partnership as described by the City's Deputy Director of Social Services with the Health & Human Services Department:
“What an amazing opportunity we had together on this journey! I love to see the seeds that are planted, and the blossoming of fruits at many stages! At our monthly Community of Practice meeting tomorrow, one of the City-sponsored MFC grads will share her facilitation skills, leading us in a mindful meditation, and we will continue to partner with key community stakeholders who are embedding mindfulness practices into their community offerings with youth and adults.Thank you for being a partner in this effort. We see the lasting potential to remind people that their breath is a tool to use intentionally in self-regulation and that building community builds strength and resilience. The pause is a powerful tool of prevention. Strong minds live in Hartford.” ~Patricia McIntosh, Deputy Director of Social Services
Although the journey continues, we are celebrating the completion of this initial and powerful phase of training facilitators, launching the Self-Care Toolkit, and popping up with community all over the City of Hartford.
Curious to know more? Visit the colorful report full of inspiring stories here.