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Renewal (Day 5 of 7): Our Community Canopy

"Is sorrow the true wild? And if it is—and if we join them—your wild to mine—what's that? For joining, too, is a kind of annihilation. What if we joined our sorrows... I'm saying: What if that is joy? ~ Ross Gay" 

Welcome to Day 5 of our CBI Rebrand Daily Challenge! 

Poet Ross Gay suggests that by sharing our sorrows and struggles (our "wild"), we create a connection that transforms our individual experiences into a shared joy. This idea resonates deeply with our community's ethos of support and interconnection. 

Our CBI Rebrand Daily Challenge continues, offering you the chance to win a weekend retreat with our Executive Director, Danae (a $959 value). Here's how it works: 

  • Each day, we share themed content with a specific engagement prompt 

  • Every engagement earns you one raffle entry 

  • More participation increases your chances of winning 

  • One winner will be selected at the end of the challenge and announced in our August Newsletter 

To enter today's raffle, we invite you to reflect on Ross Gay's quote and share what joy means to you. Find the quote on CBI account of your preferred social media platform (Facebook, Instagram, or Linked In) and comment with a single word that represents joy for you, prefaced with "#Joyis". For example, "#Joyisconnection" or "#Joyisresilience". Your response not only enters you into the raffle but also contributes to our collective understanding and feeling of joy. 

Today's Topic: Our Community Canopy

Many of you who've been part of the Copper Beech community over the last decade are familiar with our "Boundless Heart" scholarship fund. As we continue our rebrand, we're excited to introduce its new name: Our Community Canopy (OCC). 

Our Community Canopy draws inspiration from the expansive canopy of the copper beech tree. Just as a tree's canopy offers shade and shelter to all beneath it, our fund aims to create an inclusive space where everyone, regardless of financial means, can access mindfulness practices. 

We firmly believe that financial constraints shouldn't limit access to mindfulness. Our Community Canopy embodies our commitment to interdependence and generosity. Through the support of our community, we're able to offer a range of low and no-cost options, striving to make the benefits of mindfulness practice available to those who seek them. In that spirit, we are excited to introduce a Summer Meditation and Movement Series, donation-based, supporting Our Community Canopy. We invite you to join us on campus to Give and Receive well-being and community generosity.

Your ongoing support and engagement make our work possible. We're deeply appreciative of your participation and donations to our community. 



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