Grace Edmunds


Grace is a mindfulness teacher with over a decade of training in mindfulness practice. She has a passion for training teams and individuals to develop self-awareness, emotional intelligence, collaboration, and overall wellbeing.

Grace has facilitated mindfulness programs for multinational companies and organizations whose focus range from tech and accounting/consulting to top-tier universities and non-profit boards. She is passionate about working with leaders to effectively improve their team and organization’s collaboration, cohesion, and resilience. Much of this is accomplished by integrating the qualities of mindfulness and emotional intelligence into the company culture. Grace hopes to develop wise and compassionate leaders from the ground up who will change the fabric of their organizations, families, communities, and the greater world.

Grace earned a BA from the University of Colorado and has extensive training and experience as a yoga and meditation teacher. She successfully completed studies with the Mindfulness Training Institute and is a certified teacher for Search Inside Yourself, a mindfulness and emotional intelligence program developed at Google with top neuroscientists, business leaders, and mindfulness teachers. She attributes much of her passion and experiential knowledge to her time spent living and volunteering in India and Nepal, where she learned to practice humility and strengthened her resolve for helping others be healthy and happy.


Upcoming Programs with Grace

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